What do you do for your day job?
I am Head of Health and Safety at the trade union, UNISON, with responsibility for our 1.3m member’s health and safety.
What is a typical day’s work for you?
No such thing really! My days are mainly made up of planning the union’s strategy in the face of weakened H&S enforcement and legislation.
This can include managing and promoting campaigns to support the good work our activists undertake and supporting them in the workplace
How did you become a member of the London Health & Safety Group committee?
I went to a lunch with Abi Piper and John Bartlett and expressed an interest in joining. About 6 months later I met up with Abi and Lisa Hayes. I was told the group need some help with the website, I volunteered (even though I’m far from expert!) – and the rest is history.
What benefits do you feel that the Group bring for you?
A chance to meet and talk to other safety professionals and keep abreast of the REAL issues affecting workers in the workplace – often from the employer’s point of view. This helps me support workers in the workplace by having a more rounded view
What do you find the most interesting part of your role within the Group?
Learning a new skill set. Before this I had NEVER built a website from scratch before!
What presents the most challenges?
Keeping the website fresh and easy to navigate, with just the right amount of relevant and interesting content
What’s your health and safety ‘soap-box’ subject?
Sensible Risk Management – I am a staunch advocate for accessing the hazards / risks as they would “probably” occur as opposed to worst case scenario. A sense of perspective is always something to keep handy…….
What is your one piece of advice for a practising Safety Professional?
Qualifications are great – but without experience you can just be viewed as another “clipboard”. Experience, coupled with a well rounded set of qualifications should stand you in good stead.
One piece of advice for someone thinking of becoming a Health and Safety Professional?
Keep learning and growing and stay inquisitive.
Finally tell us something personal about you that’s not related at all to Health & Safety …
As normal and staid as I seem on the outside – I am secretly a crazy (shoes and) bag lady on the sly!