What do you do for your day job?
I am the Head of Wellbeing, Health & Safety for BW workplace experts an interior fit out main contractor within the construction industry
What is a typical day’s work for you?
If only, there is no such thing as a typical day!
It ranges from reviewing tender documentation, working with our supply chain to improve compliance, awareness, site visits with our senior operations teams, inductions for our new workplace experts, reviewing lift plans, meeting with site teams, accident investigation and generally never ends up being the day I had planned at the beginning
How did you become a member of the London Safety Group committee?
I am a member of the CHSG (Construction Health & Safety Group) and was looking for something more accessible and closer to the office.
What benefits do you feel that the Group bring for you?
Being part of a group makes you realise you are not alone with the issues you encounter. By regularly attending the meetings you build up relationships, friendship and contacts. It is also a great chance to network and discuss new and current themes / trends.
What do you find the most interesting part of your role within the Group?
Early days yet, meeting likeminded people who want to make a difference
What presents the most challenges?
Time, Cost & Competence, the construction industry has seen marked changes over the years, and an aging workforce adds another dynamic, ensuring we continue to ensure our industry evolves and engages with modern technology.
What’s you health and safety ‘soap-box’ subject?
Those with a lack of understanding and knowledge that use Health & Safety as an excuse why something can’t be done
What is your one piece of advice for a practising safety professional?
Be part of the team, work with people to find solutions’, you are not expected to know all the answers, don’t be afraid to ask, build a network.
One piece of advice for someone thinking of becoming a health and safety professional?
All the answers are not found in a book or in the classroom, experience and understanding is also required, most importantly learn to be able to communicate at a level that gains buy in and respect, not alienation
Finally something personal about you not related at all to h&s or your day job e.g.. Played Rugby for England / Dated Jude Law before he became famous. No porkeys please and if you have a photo all the better!
I trained with Daley Thompson & Wilbert Greaves prior to the 1980 Olympics’ (the younger members will need to google the names),