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We currently have the below session dates and speakers confirmed for 2025.

We encourage you to Save the Date and follow us on Eventbrite to be the first to know when tickets are released. If you are interested in speaking at one of our events, or know someone who is, please get in touch.

We’d love you to join us for refreshments from 1.30 pm prior to each meeting – meetings will start promptly at 2pm

Monday 7th AprilAnnual General Meeting and Legal Update
Click here to book your place
Monday 12th MayManual Handling led by Darren from Pristine Condition
Monday 9th JuneBeating the Burnout – Stay Sharp, Stay Safe, led by Joanne from Health & Hart

Long hours, high pressure, and tough conditions—safety work can push your body and mind to the limit. But exhaustion doesn’t just affect how you feel—it affects how you think, react, and stay safe on the job.
In this session, we’ll cover:

Energy without reliance on caffeine & sugar
How to fuel your body for focus & stamina
Short term changes for longer term health

About Joanne:
Joanne Hart (Health and Hart) delivers nutrition and wellbeing to businesses, groups and 1-1 through engaging and practical sessions.  In her earlier career she trained as an engineer and worked in IT so understands both the importance of safety and of meeting project deadlines.
You can find out more here and book a free call for yourself or your team.
Monday 15th SeptemberSpeaker to be confirmed – watch this space!
Monday 13th OctoberSpeaker to be confirmed – watch this space!
Monday 10th NovemberSpeaker to be confirmed – watch this space!
Monday 8th DecemberSpeaker to be confirmed – watch this space!

We started the LHSG Year in February with Greg Davies talking about Legionella and Stewart Powell talking to us about Asbestos and RAAC. In April we celebrated the 80th Anniversary of the London Health and Safety Group where Kizzy Augustin provided a Legislation Update, followed by a London bus tour with some party refreshments! Anna Keen presented to us in May, speaking about adopting non-technical skills to improve success in the business environment. June brought us David Filshie and Liam Standfield discussing the power of Safety Technology and Data.

After a summer break, Cesar Gamio kicked off September with his insights into Wellbeing in the Workplace. Our Focus on Fire event in October was presented by Marcus Phillips, Ryan Mangan, Ryan Swain and Ian Fielding. November saw Samantha Downie from Mates in Mind and we ended our year in December with Lisa Ramos and Dave Garton sharing their story of Lisa’s workplace accident involving a Fork Lift Truck.

We are truly grateful to all of our speakers this year and look forward to presenting an equally varied programme in 2025.

Follow us on Eventbrite to be the first to register for our events as tickets are released!

Key Information for our Sessions

  • Pre-booking is essential – numbers are limited so don’t delay, bookings close 48 hours before the event. 
  • The event is free for members (just remember to use your promo code), £15 for non-members.
  • If you are a current member and haven’t received your code for free entry please email meetingslondonhealthandsafety@gmail.com
  • Venue is Africa House – just a 2 minute walk from Holborn Station
  • Join us from 1.30 pm for refreshments and networking – meetings start at 2pm promptly

Interesting in becoming a member? Click here for full details including the application form.

Interested in joining our Committee? We are always looking for volunteers to join our committee to keep the group energised and relevant. Click here to view more about Committee responsibilities and information on how to apply, or speak to any of our Committee Members at our upcoming events. 

We can’t wait to welcome you to the friendliest safety group around!